replace your IG grid with evergreen content that gets you sales

keep your business on the platform everyone loves to hate because that's where your people are, without ever having to post again

(a dream come true, right?)

OMG. Yes, please.

What if you didn't have to keep up with content?

But anyone who found you on the gram knew they wanted to work with you

What’s the first thing they’re going to see? That one reel you made in 2021 when everyone was making reels but you weren’t fully on board?

Or are they going to see the exact intentional content to become future clients.

When people find you, one of the first places they go is Instagram.

A Static Instagram 9 Grid Let's You:

Stop creating content every single day and rolling the dice on what people will see when they land on your profile

focus your time on the things in your business that actually move the needle and control how people view your brand

turn your grid into a funnel for sales instead of the wall you’re throwing spaghetti at while trying to jump through the hoops of the algorithm

Here's what your static 9 grid package could look like:

This is not about doing something in Canva, this is highly strategic. And if you don’t already know exactly what those 9 posts people need to see to become leads and buyers, that’s my job. We’re going to figure out what you need to say, who your people are, and what goes on the grid - use ice cream cone bullet points. 

60 Minute Strategy Meeting

The beauty of the grid is a secret power of how beautiful my grids are. When new people land on your IG page it acts as a disruptor to the normal posts they're used to seeing and they can't help but want to learn more about you and your business!

A 9 Square Custom Puzzle Grid

These are like little hidden gems scattered throughout your static 9 grid. They are used to highlight testimonials, podcast appearances, services, offers, courses, or anything else we strategize about during your call.

20 More Squares for Carousel Posts

Each post will include an engaging, informative caption with a clearly defined call to action to help people take the next step on their customer journey with you. These will be written from your current content or website copy, or from our strategy call.


We'll discuss exactly what we want to share more information about and I'll create up to 10 custom highlight covers that work beautifully with your grid.

Highlight Covers + Strategy

And don't worry, you'll get everything as a Canva Template so it's easy for you to reuse!

I love giving my clients the power to evolve and change over time when needed!

get me off the IG train!

check out some of my work...

- Phoebe Gavin, Career Coach

I wanted a solution that would allow me to put my best foot forward on the grid without a ton of maintenance so I could focus on the content I loved creating.

I was worried about how we'd cram so much information into such a small space, but once I saw the first draft I knew it was going to work perfectly. It was kind of magical. 

My Instagram had been dormant for a long time...

- Natalie Ash, Business Operations Consultant

so I’m thankful that I can feel confident but not feel the pressure of having to keep up with it all the time.

I love that it's a set it and forget it little mini website that gives people all the information that I need them to have. It looks professional and I feel great about sending people to my Instagram account now. 

Social media is not a priority for me in my life or business...

- Kiri Rawson, Playful Empowerment Coach

I had formal stuff about what my ideal customer wanted and who she was and what I was gonna do, but she was able to take that information and turn it into something fun and exciting and that attracted people to it and wasn't all stuffy.

When I saw the graphics and I saw the pictures she picked out of my nine grid, I was like, “That's brilliant! That's exactly what I wanted!”

Deanna was able to really capture the spirit of my brand. 

- Lara Buelow, That Moxie Life

This is just so fun!!! And I'm like finally getting my message across in a way that's sweet and funny!

I really feel like working with Deanna even in such a short period of time has really shifted my perspective and felt impactful in a way that I have been looking for for a very long time.

Deanna's work has made me love myself more...

- Mara Sievers,  Pilates Encyclopedia 

So for me, being able to focus on blog posts or just good quality content and not even having to work on Instagram is just a huge weight off my back. 

And to my surprise, I still get new followers. There didn’t seem to be any reduction in how many new followers I get every week or every month. Which is exciting!

I'm not an influencer... 

She has fabulous ideas, is open to feedback, and is great at communicating efficiently as projects develop. She's fun and brings a playful yet professional presence to everything we've worked on together.

Her work keeps me consistent with creating content and brand assets to use with clients and in my marketing.”

- Raina Willick, Leadership Coach

"Deanna is amazing at capturing the spirit of my brand...

- Laura Rees, Brand Strategist

She's a level above the type of design professionals who just make things "look nice." Plus, she's just so much fun to work with and be around. I look forward to meetings with her!
Everything she touches makes my business look more legit. I never have to put out any marketing materials I'm not proud to show off.”

“Deanna brings smart thinking to everything she does. 

Sup? I'm Deanna.

I've had a static Instagram grid since Fall of 2022, and it's still going strong.

Truth be told, I've tweaked some offers and swapped out some graphics, but for a lady with ADHD, keeping that first one up for just shy of A YEAR and not getting bored or wanting to change it felt incredible!

And guess what? I'm still getting new followers, clients, and guesting on more and more podcasts.

Ya see, this isn't just about "not having to post on Instagram anymore" (although that is a definite perk) it's about getting SUPER clear and strategic and turning your IG into another mini-website. Can you tell I love these?!?

Your Investment:

Custom Static 9 Grids start at $1500 USD.

All packages include a strategy meeting and your nine square custom puzzle grid. From there we can add exactly what you need to make this a fully custom package.

The idea is to get you off the hamster wheel of content creation while turning lurkers into leads and then into buyers.

Heck yes, let's chat about it!

More ways I can help you stand out...

Your branding is the foundation of all the visual content you'll create. Once you nail this down and freaking love it, everything else will be just as awesome too! 

Personal Branding

check it out

check it out

If you're not ready to completely outsource your design work, I offer weekly content audits in my community. That way you can get my tweaks to your work before you hit publish.

Content Playhouse

A full week with me to get all your designs created so that you are showing up visually in a way that connects with your audience and gets you clients!

Design Week

get the deets

Not sure exactly what you need?

If you're wondering what services will have the most impact on your business, or what offers make the most sense for you,
I totally get it!

Let's schedule a time to talk through what your specific plan of action could look like! It's an absolute must for me that you feel supported and receive exactly what you need, so I will never subject you to a one-size-fits-all sales process. Pinky promise.

Heck yes, let's hop on a call!

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