How to Find Yourself Through Adventures

Kiri Rawson from 26 Adventures and me on the Cover of the Imperfect Party Podcast

Today I’m chatting with Kiri Rawson from 26 Adventures and Me. She’s a mom of two and she found herself struggling to fill out a Secret Santa form one year.

I know far too many moms who struggle with losing their identities after becoming another human’s mama. It’s a hard thing to not accidentally slip into.

She decided that traditional self-care like morning routines and meditation weren’t for her. She hit the road for some adventures to rediscover herself!

Real talk: She mentions that they don’t have to be adventures in the traditional sense. We actually talked about how we’ve both had extensions. That’s an adventure! Anything you deem an adventure counts!

Press play above and listen in on the fun conversation. Then go find Kiri @26adventuresandme and start planning your next adventure! Oh, and don’t forget to get on the waitlist to find out when the adventure officially begins!

The Hooters Adventure…

Kiri and I decided to add The Hooters’ “And We Danced” to The Imperfect Party Playlist this week. If you listen, you’ll know why. Check out the entire playlist on Spotify or Amazon Music.

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