Should we stop saying “Bingeable” Content?

Trigger warning: Diet Culture + Disordered Eating

As I talk to more and more people about exactly what we do in Content Playhouse a word keeps coming up and I’m not sure how I feel about it. So I’m hoping you can maybe help me.

I have mixed emotions about the word “binging” when it comes to content. I’ve used it in reference to watching TV for sure.

I’m currently watching Vanderpump Rules from the beginning so I’m definitely familiar with the idea of going deep on something!

(No spoilers – I don’t even know what Scandoval means! 😬)

A collage of twelve individuals from Vanderpump Rules with varied facial expressions and different colored backgrounds. Each person's image is framed separately, showing different emotion and attire.

And as someone who’s had a tumultuous past with diets, and weight, and my body image, using the word binge as a central part of my messaging to talk about what we do in Content Playhouse makes me pause.

But I don’t know a better word to use. 🥴

I do think that language evolves over time – and maybe there’s a possibility that it doesn’t have any other connotations for people. 🤷‍♀️

And I definitely know that using the voice of my customers is important.

I’ve over here talking about “building your body of work” when it comes to your content.

The idea that when someone finds your treasure trove of content, they’re going to want to…

📺 watch all your YouTube videos

🎧 or listen to every episode of your podcast

💻 read every article on your Substack

Or as a lot of people say in 2024 – binge your content.

Then they fall in love with you and want to work with you – or recommend you to people they know would love you too.

So here’s my question:

⚡ Does it feel off when people to use the word binge in terms of content?

And if it does… What else should we say? 🤔

Marathon Viewing?


Highly Consumable? 😂🤷‍♀️

Or am I just making things difficult on myself for no reason?

I’d really love your insight!

Hit reply and let me know!

Oh, and if you also love Vanderpump Rules – we can talk about that too – but seriously – no spoilers!

I’m currently on Season 6! 😊


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