Open House + Coworking Extravaganza!

Content Playhouse is a space built for service providers, authors, speakers, and small business owners who want to create LESS content but make it more impactful.

We’re all about…

Not jumping through hoops for the algorithms

Creating content that brings us joy and connects with like-minded folks

Collaborating with fellow business owners and creating lasting relationships

Choosing people-first business models that allow us to profit without exploiting ourselves or others

How does Content Playhouse coworking work?

It’s an all day Zoom coworking event from 9am – 2pm et – but you can come and go as you please!

We start with hellos, a quick chat, and popping our focus for the day in the chat, then we turn off our cameras, mute our mics, and get to work.

Every hour on the hour we take a 10 minute break to check in with each other.

We check in about our progress, ask questions, get feedback, and remind each other to stretch or take a potty break if we need it! 😂

Then we get back to work and repeat that cycle until 2pm!

Interested in learning more about Content Playhouse?

I built Content Playhouse to create a space that I wish I had when I started my business and that would still be a valuable space to build relationships, dream up collaborations, and connect with referral partners as a seasoned business owner.

The mix of 1:1 thought partnership, support, and design feedback that playhouse members get from me combined with the power of community is unlike anything else I’ve encountered. Especially at this price point.

As a firm believer in creating a sustainable business that puts people over profits I’ve realized that creating this space is something I’m incredible passionate about.

Because of that, I like to offer anyone thinking about joining a 1:1 spot on my calendar to discuss your strategy coming into the group + give you a private tour of all the things it has to offer.

As a former teacher, getting to know each person in the community is extremely important to me. I’m not trying to build a membership with as many people as possible. I’m building a community of amazing entrepreneurs that I am lucky enough to also call my friends.

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