The Final Episode of Eff That & What’s Coming Next

skeleton with sunglasses sitting in a pink an adirondack chair with a tombstone with the cover of the Eff That Podcast and spraypainted letters RIP.

It’s the end of Eff That but there’s BIG FUN Content coming your way!

OMG! I’ve been waiting to record this episode for a hot second. 

My ADHD brain gets so excited when I have a new idea that I usually want to shout it from the rooftops immediately, but I’ve been letting this one simmer for a bit.

This podcast is getting a lil’ rebrand! Exciting huh?

This is the official last episode of this version of Eff That: Breaking the Rules of Online Business. 

But I’m still a rebel WITH a cause so I’m going to keep the private podcast series I’ve been doing… the Eff That Storytelling Series and it’ll be all about how to break the rules when it comes to running an online business. 

If you’re already subscribed to that, you’ll get all future seasons of that in the same feed. 

If you’re not already subscribed, go to to sign up so you’ll know when the next season of that drops!

Ok… so what’s up with this podcast?

Well… I want to start talking more about content. Make sense right? 

It’s literally what I help people do. And I’m really passionate about giving people permission to show up how they want, how often then want, and in a way that doesn’t feel like a soul sucking monster. 

So introducing… BIG FUN CONTENT.

The show where we’ll talk all things content. 

But more importantly how to make it more fun for you… and your audience. 

We’re going to talk about things like… 

Why does content matter?

Do we really think about what it means? And how to Do less but do it better.

I’ve already lined up some awesome guests like Tara McMullin, Annie P Ruggles, Dr. Michelle Mazur, Mai-Kee Tsang, Becca Rich, and Phoebe Gavin just to name a few. 

And I can’t wait to dive into all these interesting takes on fresh new ideas for content and connecting with your audience, but also like I said, giving you permission to take your foot off the gas a little when it comes to content creation.

Do I still love talking shit about online business. Absolutely. That’s why Eff That is sticking around as a limited private podcast. 

But what I love even more than that is helping people just like you make content that’s fun, visually exciting, bold, maybe a little daring, and completely and utterly you.

I want people to feel free to show up as their most amazing self online to promote their business, because that’s what will feel the most fun, and what you’ll probably be able to create consistently. 

I’m taking the summer months off… but I’ll see you back here in August for the big reveal of BIG FUN CONTENT!

Ok… and if you’re not following me over on Instagram, go find me I’m @thedeannaseymour.

I’m gonna be doing some fun stuff to promote the new show!

See ya then.

Have a great summer.

Love ya like a sis.

Stay sweet.


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