Redefining Data: Beyond Numbers to What Really Matters in Your Business

At a Pop-Up Networking Party, one of the questions inspired by my co-host Amanda Laird was about your relationship with data.

Amanda loves it. Me… not so much.

I think it’s because of my days as a teacher and all the BS standardized tests that made teachers and students feel like crap. And the threat of losing funding if the scores were low looming over everyone’s heads all the time.

But I met a new business bud Emily Crookston in my break out room, and she said something that I jotted down on the sticky notes I am always scribbling on during networking…

“Data isn’t just numbers!”

pizza, pie chart, building community, charting what matters in business, human connection, business goals, deanna seymour

The thing is I say I hate data because my mind always goes to the numbers. 🙄

👀 How many views did you get?

💰 What was your revenue this month?

💌 What’s your click-through rate?

What if you post a video and then have a really great conversation with even just one person about it… could that be data?

Or what about how proud you are that you posted the video even though you were a little nervous to be in front of the camera? Could that be data?

Of course, we’re businesses… so revenue matters and of course you have to pay attention to it. 🤑

But if it’s down a bit because you’ve been giving yourself permission to close your laptop at night and snuggle with your partner. Can that be data?

And when it comes to click-through rates… you can make your links more mysterious and awesome just to get people to click.

But I much prefer a reply to my email and a fun conversation. There’s no “data” for that in Convertkit. 🤷‍♀️

So if you kinda hate data too, maybe you can come up with your own ideas of what’s important to you and make sure you’re getting more of that.

That’s exactly how we run our businesses over in Content Playhouse. Working on creating thought leadership content that grows our audience in ways that matter to us.

And you’re invited to come hang with us at Pop Up Networking Parties and Coworking Events!

I hope to see your face!


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