Stop Buying Courses is my reaction to being sold to at every turn along my online business journey.

Sales pages with lofty promises reeled me in.

I spent money that my family didn't really have to spend.

And the promise of dollar signs, passive income, and taking the easy route ultimately slowed me down in my business.

It's an audio course for anyone who's ever bought a course and didn't finish it.
(btw, it's not your fault that's happened to you)

buy now for $9

(or steal it)

It's an all-audio course to help you...

  • ditch the guilt of past spending and move forward from here

  • recognize predatory marketing tactics used by course creators in the online business space so you know what to look out for

  • analyze your own buying behaviors and make changes where you think you want to

  • design a personal framework that you can consult before making any future purchases

It's a way to forgive yourself for the times you've been hoodwinked, and a system you can use moving forward to make wiser choices for yourself.

I'm just gonna tell you what it includes, cool?

I'm not going to poke any pain points here.

You get the idea.

  • a private podcast feed with episodes walking you through the ideas listed above.

  • an interactive spreadsheet that lets you analyze when and why you buy what you buy. (I'm super stoked about this thing actually. When you click yes to certain things, you get another question or a pep talk... it's like an interactive choose your own adventure.

  • one other worksheet where you can come up with your own system for slowing down and analyzing if the next course you stumble upon is right for you.

I'm not saying ALL courses are bad.
I'm just saying maybe you don't have to buy ALL the courses.

buy now for $9

(or steal it)

Some do. And some don't.
To the ones who don't I quickly realized that I was just a number to help them get to their next income goal.

As a former teacher the idea of people treating their students as "passive income" makes me wanna puke. 

And the worst part is, I hear my clients talk about it all like it was their fault for falling for these BS promises. 

And I thought that people selling me things actually cared about my success. 

I grew up in the DIY punk rock scene. But when I landed in the Online Business Space I felt like I needed guidance. 

Whattup!?! I’m Deanna.

When really it's the sleazy ass sales pages. 

I told you I was punk. 🤣

Why would I make this?

I really wanted to create a course that could help you drastically reframe how you view courses in the online business space. I thought giving you the option to actually steal mine would be a great disruptor, pretty funny, and kind of a middle finger to the course creators who treat people like you and me as passive income. 😒

You've probably bought courses that promised you the moon and then didn't deliver. I feel that so hard, and you'll hear my story in the course too. If you've spent money in the past and totally regretted it, I thought it'd be nice to give you the option to steal this one.

And also... I really do think that if you listen to this and apply what you learn, you'll be less susceptible to buying more things in the future that you don't need. I think it could definitely save you some money down the road. Just sayin.

(This was also inspired by the workshop FREELY: An Anti-Capitalist Guide To Pricing Your Work by Bear Herbert) 

buy now for $9

(or steal it)

Hopefully everyone will feel less shame when they know they aren't the only ones who got burned.

The Online Business Shame Show

Included in the course:

It was a LIVE zoom call that happened on February 7th 2023. Cameras off + fake names! Fun, right? Folks were able to talk about the times they've been bamboozled in the online business space and the audio is included in the course. 

I think it's a great way for you to hear other real life stories for real business owners just like you. If you have ANY feelings of shame around the courses you've bought, the marketing you've "fallen for," or the results you didn't get (because they weren't typical) this is a must listen for you.

join us inside!

Take as much time as you need to decide...


you'll ALWAYS be eligible for the


😂 🤣 😂

A fun behind-the-scenes interview with Maggie Patterson and
Dr. Michelle Mazur; hosts of Duped: The Dark Side of Online Business

It was inspired by Steal This Book by Abbie Hoffman

You are an amazing human with unique ideas.

Abbie Hoffman was a political activist and organizers in the 60s, 70s, and 80s. It's basically a book about how to beat the system and start a revolution. And when I think about all the BS in the online, that's exactly what I want to do. 

You don't need a course for everything you do in your business. And buying more courses doesn't necessarily mean making more money. It could even mean the opposite.
Just sayin.

It was originally called STEAL THIS COURSE

A's for all your Q's...

What kind of live support do I get?

There's no official live element to this course. But if you have any questions, or you wanna chat about something in the course, hit me up! I love talking to other humans. Especially about this stuff. You can DM me on Instagram @thedeannaseymour or just contact me here.

So do you hate courses?

No way! I'm a former teacher and consider myself a life-long learner, so I'm ALL for courses!

What I'm not for are sleazy marketing tactics. And my heart hurts at the thought of anyone making some of the mistakes I did when I first started my business. 🖤

Are you worried you're gonna piss people off?

If anyone is mad at me for calling out sleazy marketing techniques, or for helping people slow down and make better choices about how they invest money in courses, then that'd be weird, right? 

If someone is using results not typical testimonials, poking your pain points until you scream, "UNCLE" and whip out your credit card, and I piss them off, I'm ok with that.

As my coach would say, "That's their yard." 😬

Why are you doing this? 

I want to help other people not do what I did. SPOILER ALERT: I bought a $2000 course without talking to my partner while he was in the hospital, we had a toddler, and I was pregnant with our 2nd kid. Not cool. (But doors were closing and it was EXACTLY what I needed to make my business work!) 

Here's another spoiler: It wasn't. And I want to help other people not have to make the same mistakes I did. And I keep telling you... I'm an old punk. And I think I'm funny. 😬

If I pay, can I get my money back?

Sure, if you pay for the course and hate it, just email me and I'll refund ya! Easy peasy. 

What if I have more questions?

Just contact me and I can answer them! 🖤

It's the end of the sales page...
whatcha gonna do?

buy now for $9

(or steal it)

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