Networking for people who don’t like networking

“The crazy thing is, when you have a cool idea, you actually do it. Most people just sit around and talk about it…” 

I’m paraphrasing, but that was my friend Michael talking to me at a local coffee shop over a decade ago. He was the program and volunteer coordinator at a local non-profit. I was putting on a gallery show to raise some money for them. 

As a business owner and a mom of two kids, I sometimes feel like I’ve lost that spark. But then I get an idea like Pop-Up Networking Parties at the end of December…

And BAM! Turns out I still got it! 💥💪🤣

Yup! It’s already a real thing and the first one is NEXT WEDNESDAY! 🤯

But you gotta sign up to access the calendar and get the reminders — and the fun questions in advance. 😉

And here’s the part where I ask a medium sized favor from you. GULP. 😅 

I would seriously love it if you’d invite a friend to this thing! It’ll be more fun with more people I think. 

Here’s what you can say:

Hey! I’m gonna go to this cool Pop-Up Networking Party next week and I thought it would be fun if we did it together. Wanna be my wingpal? 😬

If the time for this one doesn’t work, Deanna’s gonna host more and they’ll be on random days at different times… so maybe the stars will align and we can make it work eventually?!? 🤞

I dunno, it could be fun. What do ya think?!?

Done and done! And then maybe we get some people together to answer fun questions inspired by my co-host like…

When Julie was a kid she was OBSESSED with wrestling… GLOW and Hulk-A-Mania and all the things. what’s something you were totally obsessed with as a kid?

I remember waking up my dad super early on the weekend to watch the Heathcliff cartoon with me. 

But I really loved My Little Ponies and had a ton of those too… 🤔

I’m gonna keep thinking before we meet on the 17th! 

Anyhoo… we’ll do 15 minute breakout rooms with 3 peeps in each. You’ll answer the fun question first and then you move on to what your business is about and how y’all could potentially support each other. 

There’ll be a spreadsheet for contact information so you can reach out to the people you felt a spark with later. But no pressure at all. 

Just an easy hour to laugh, meet new people, and maybe make a new connection to grow your business. 

I hope you’ll come hang! 🥰 


PS… Maybe it’s because I have been busy setting up all the things for these Pop-Up Networking Parties, but I’m not easing into 2024. I also feel like I sent a lot of “let’s circle back to this in the new year” emails in December and now everyone’s circling back! 😂

But the quick push of new year’s meetings and event planning should be winding down next week, then I can try to chillax again. I guess it’s fate (or good planning on my part) that that’s exactly what I’m talking about on this week’s episode of Big Fun Content. 

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