How to Run an Anti-Capitalist Business with Bear Hebert

Image of Bear Hebert standing against a graffiti wall. Bear is this week's guest on Big Fun Content talking about Anti-Capitalist Business Goals: How Much is Enough?

Bear Hebert and I discuss their course Freely and redefining how to set anti-capitalist small-business financial goals.

When I first started growing my business, I found myself wondering, “Am I a capitalist?” It’s crazy how the whole money-making thing sometimes feels like it comes with an unwarranted side of guilt. But then, I stumbled upon Bear’s eye-opening workshop, Freely: An Anti-Capitalist Guide to Pricing Your Work! My partner and I sat down to figure out our financial goals, what truly makes us comfortable, and how to break free from that old capitalist notion that money and success are the keys to happiness (spoiler alert: they’re not!).

Bear and I chat about:

  • The definition of abundance, and how to determine your monetary goals.
  • The validity of fear and stress about money
  • The pressure to constantly grow and make more money
  • Embracing the concept of “enough”

Use Freely to break out of the toxic cycles of capitalism and ease into a stress-free money mindset.

Freely is an anti-capitalist guide to pricing your work, and is a 3-part webinar series that covers theory and practice of how to be in business in an anti-capitalist way. You can check it out here.

Ditch the guilt that goes along with making money, and stop choosing numbers out of thin air that equate to your success. Freely will help you find the number that works for you and your lifestyle, and start to feel more comfortable thinking about your worth and financial goals for your business.

Trust me, this course works WONDERS for getting a grasp on your budget and not feeling guilty when you’re setting price points for your products and offers. You are so worth it!

Connect with Bear

Bear Hebert (they/them) is trying to help us all get a little more free. Bear has worked for themselves in some capacity for more than a decade, and has been fully self-employed since 2014. Bear has been learning, thinking and writing about systemic oppressions since 2004. Now, Bear uses years of experience to help fellow small business people (and other beloved weirdos) figure out how to build the world-yet-to-come inside the world-that-currently-is. Their side gig is teaching good men+ how to unlearn patriarchal bad behavior.

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