Take what you want and leave the rest!

So even though I’m all artsy fartsy I’m pretty strict when it comes to my money and my budget.

I wasn’t always like this – ​which is why I made this course about how to help you from buying too many courses.​ The struggle is real for sure.

But now I dabble in the world of Dave Ramsey, but I don’t take all of their advice.

And I recently heard the term Ramsey-ish. And I was like, “Oh yeah… that’s us!”

We’ve been budgeting for the last couple of years. The envelope system if you will.

We plan on spending a certain amount on different things and then I keep track of how we’re doing.

Bills, Eating out, Groceries, Medical stuff, Each family member gets a lil’ bit of fun money… ya know – pretty standard stuff.

Sometimes we go over in a category – and it’s not a huge deal. But at least we’re paying attention. 🤷‍♀️

Dave Ramsey has a very serious set of rules. His framework is called The Seven Baby Steps and you’re supposed to complete them in order – and no matter what – you’re NEVER EVER supposed to have a credit card.

They’re so serious about that one that they ask you to specifically use a debit card when signing up for the paid version of their budgeting app.

But I ain’t using my debit card ONLINE… are they nuts?!?

That’s when I specifically use my credit card because I think someone’s gonna steal my identity – so I broke the rules and used mine anyways. 😎 I’m a rebel.

My point is – we’re not officially following the baby steps. But it’s good to know them and have a loose plan for our future.

I think it probably is true that people spend more money when using their credit cards often – so I mostly try to use my debit card because it feels more like real money to me.

And since learning a little more about the baby steps we’ve started investing a little each year.

But I can’t ever be hard core Ramsey because those folks sacrifice a ton to pay off all their debt including their houses. I just don’t want to do all that.

I want to be able to live now and enjoy fun adventures with my kids while they’re little. If we followed the baby steps framework to a tee we’d be eating rice and beans and paying down our mortgage. No Thanks.

That’s the thing with anyone else’s framework – it doesn’t take into account what’s important to you.

The frameworks WORK. All of them work for someone. But the important thing to ask yourself is if they work for YOU.

And if they don’t, you have the ability to be more ISH about it.

Think of it like House Rules in a game.

We’ve been playing a lot of Uno this summer and I was shocked that it’s not an official rule to keep drawing until you get a card to play. That’s how we always played growing up.

Or stacking draw 2 and draw 4 cards. That was brutal – and apparently only a house rule for me growing up. 😂

You can read the directions to the game. You can learn about the framework.

Then you get to decide how much of it to follow. You can make up your own house rules when it comes to literally ANYTHING in your business.

I just want you to know that – and sometimes it’s good for me to remind myself too.

Even though I’m a rebel, it’s easy to forget sometimes.

Here’s to making your own rules & being a little more ish about frameworks!


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