Fake It ’til You Make It!

Episode #27 of the Imperfect Party podcast, with Selena ConMackie. She's standing in a pink trenchcoat looking like an absolute boss. The Episode is titled "Fake it til you make it"

Don’t let imposter syndrome hold you back

Today I’m chatting with Selena Conmackie. She’s a social media manager who admits when she stumbled upon her first job she was definitely faking it until she made it!

The whole idea of feeling like a fraud, or like you don’t know what you’re doing can be overwhelming when you’re first starting a business. And let’s be real, when you’re a mom you can fall into that trap too! Just remember you are cooler and more talented than you think.

Selena was able to accept that job and figure it out as she went and now has a successful business as a social media manager of her own company.

“I’m right on top of that Rose…”

Press play above and ride the wave as we go from chocolate covered Oreos to Don’t Tell Mom the Babysitter’s Dead, and end in true business mom fashion . Then go find Selena @thehauoli and don’t forget to bring your coffee!

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