3 Ways to Repurpose Your Content with Britney Gardner

How to reuse content and not ghost your audience with Britney Gardner on the Big Fun Content Podcast hosted by Deanna Seymour. Cartoon ghosts and colorful words

Here’s a simple plan for you, designed by Britney Gardner, to regurgitate, recycle, and reuse your content without burning out and ghosting your audience.

Have you ever purchased something in a big launch, or a fun sale, only to never hear from the creator again… Until months later when you suddenly are on a list that you feel no connection to or engagement with? You’ve been ghosted 👻

Britney Gardner is here with me today to share some specific, simple strategies on how to keep content flowing from launches to the everyday, without disappearing from your audience.

Planning is key, my friends! Whether you’re a small business or a service provider, a solid content plan will help you stay organized and consistent. Having evergreen content tucked away in storage that can be used any time you need it is your new secret weapon, so tune in and listen up to how you can breathe new life into your content by adapting all of your content to be ready to use, on any platform of your choosing. So let’s keep creating uncommon goods and I’d love for you to share your thoughts, questions, or ideas on this idea!

In this episode, Britney and I talk about:

  • What is Uncommon Content?
  • Balancing launches with showing up sustainably on social media
  • Adapt your content for different platforms
  • Build relationships with your audience

Set up a ghoulishly good strategy for your content 🎃

I help my clients get clear about what they offer, stop feeling pressure to show up every single day on social media and give their audience clear and concise information on the work my clients offer. I like the idea of creating as many as you want; update it for the season or as you have more news to share.

There is no hocus pocus here. There is no content calendar or constant scramble to create social media posts, and it looks pretty cool!

You can check out my own Static 9-Grid on Instagram, I even have examples of client grids I have done!

Or if you’re ready to get started, you can get all of the deets here!

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