Body Positive Business Coach

So here it is. My HUGE announcement. Admittedly, maybe I built it up a little too much. But it feels HUGE to me.

I’ve been struggling with what direction to pursue in my business. I’m what the people call “multi-passionate.” Except for a lady with ADHD such as myself, sometimes the excess of passions can get a little confusing, exhausting, and well…cause a lady to quit.

I feel like my “business” journey has been like someone trying to learn how to drive a stick shift. Jerking forward and coming to an abrupt halt.

So I sat down and really tried to uncover where my passions overlap with my skills. And I landed on the idea of being a body-positive business coach.

I’ve spent some time just sitting with this, instead of diving in head first like I usually do.

I’m here to help women feel more confident in themselves.

I’m here to help women get in front of their cameras and be the face of their businesses.

I’m here to help create a community of women who support each other in life and business. Because both of those things are hard as a mother.

That’s it. The big announcement. Ta-da!

Fast forward to today and while being a full-time body positivity coach is not my title, you can basically say I do it anyway all day long in my job as a graphic designer supporting tons of women entrepreneurs to feel more confident being themselves online. So I guess you can say, I did it 🙂

Wanna learn more? Hear funny stories? Get tips and freebies about how to improve your own body positivity and grow your business…sign up below to join my email list below.

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