Your Content Map = A Totally YOU Plan

Embarrassment alert ahead: Ava Max was my most played artist on my Spotify Unwrapped for 2023. šŸ¤¦ā€ā™€ļø

I blame my 7 year old. And the Barbie soundtrack. šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļøIt is what it is.

Anyhooā€¦ we were listening to her on our way home from Aldi last weekend and the lyrics from Choose Your Fighter said:

I know this world can be a little

Confusing, no walk in the park

But I can help you solve the riddle

You’re perfect as you are

And I thought of you. Yeahā€¦ YOU. šŸ„°

Iā€™m always referring to ā€œthis weird online business worldā€ weā€™re living in.

And yeah, itā€™s no walk in the park, which is why you can find yourself searching for the latest shortcut, formula, course, just ANYTHING to make it easier and just tell us what to do for Godā€™s sake! šŸ˜«

I mean, itā€™s hard enough figuring out what to make for dinner every night, how can you possibly navigate growing your email list? Let alone creating an entire funnel that leads to your offers? The struggle is real for a lot of folks, so please donā€™t ever feel like itā€™s just you. 

Itā€™s why Iā€™m so stoked about the work Iā€™ve been doing with peeps on their custom content maps

Itā€™s a 1:1 zoom call with me where weā€¦

  • Get super-duper clear about what’s working (and not working) with your brand
  • Strategically connect your content to your offers so you can increase SALES not likes
  • Create a custom list-building & visibility strategy
  • Eliminate the unnecessary – and un-profitable – marketing tasks hogging all your time… no matter how much the influencers insist
  • Put it all together for a sustainable (and FUN) content plan

Itā€™ll give you the roadmap you need to make big shifts in your business to start gaining momentum.

Iā€™m reading more and more from the big dawgs in the online business world that theyā€™re struggling.

Theyā€™re short-circuiting because the things they used to do arenā€™t working anymore.

My hypothesis is that they donā€™t know what to do because they havenā€™t been exercising their creativity muscles or truly connecting with their audience. 

Theyā€™ve been funneling you through a revenue-generating-system and now that itā€™s not working, they donā€™t know what else to do. 

Thereā€™s also a lot of talk about 2023 being peopleā€™s worst year ever in terms of sales. 

I always feel weird when that comes up because my gross revenue in 2023 was 41% higher than it was in 2022. šŸ˜¬

Do I have fun in my business and make it seem like Iā€™m just effing around sometimes? Totes.

Because I AM HAVING FUN and when Iā€™m experimenting and tossing ideas out there and being creative it can feel a lot like effing around.

But you know what they say.. when you eff around, you find out. šŸ˜‚ You find out what works and what doesnā€™t. What your people want and what they donā€™t. 

You find out how YOU & YOUR AUDIENCE can happily work together.

But there is a method to my madness and Iā€™d love to share it with you and help you come up with your own plan.

One thatā€™s YOURS. That means it works for your life, your brain, your schedule, and your strengths. 

Because thatā€™s when it feels way more fun. šŸŽ‰šŸ‘Æā€ā™€ļø


PSā€¦ As always, if you have questions about this or wanna chat about if it would be good for you, just hit reply! Iā€™m here walking on my new under-the-desk treadmill just looking for an excuse to hop off and get on zoom with you! Haha!

PPSā€¦ Thereā€™s another Pop-Up Networking Party coming up with my co-host Eryn Morgan! Eryn works with creatives on the strategy side of business, and her brain is seriously amazing. And if youā€™re nervous about networking, let me just say that last month, Amanda from Slow & Steady Studio said ā€œNetworking is the worst but this was actually fun and I made some really solid connections that I’m excited about.ā€ So if youā€™re looking for a new, fun way to network, come hang with us!

* If you signed up last time, you should have the email with the link to the google calendar and the zoom link! But if not, go register now so you can get in on the fun!

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