What if you’re not creative?

Let’s get real for a second.

A HUGE part of making great content is creativity.

Coming up with ideas and then sharing them in a way that’s interesting to people is a tall order and can feel really hard.

Especially if you don’t consider yourself “creative.”

And everyone’s just walking around acting like “making content” is so freaking easy.

But what if you feel like you suck at it? What then?

Great question. And, welp… Just like most things in life, you just have to practice.

The only way for “sucky” content to evolve into “good” content, is for you to just get started. 

A graphic showing the old and new versions of the Simpsons animations, over an 80s laser background. The only way to tap into your creativity is to practice.

That’s The Simpsons when they first debuted on The Tracey Ullman Show back in 1987. 

They look SO WEIRD right?!? But they evolved into the longest-running primetime scripted series in TV history.

What if Matt Groening had been so self-conscious about how they looked back in 1987 that he didn’t share them with the world.

Can you even imagine growing up in the 90s WITHOUT doing the Bartman?

I know, me either. 🤣 “Everybody, if you can, do the Bartman. Shake your body, turn it out if you can, man. Woah Mama!” 

You can’t get to the 2023 version of The Simpsons without the weird looking 1987 version.

🤷🏻‍♀️ So what if your content is a little more 1987 in the beginning? Who cares? 

The really depressing (and wildly freeing) thing about social media is that no one is really paying much attention to you.


Another great question… for another time. 😬

But what CAN be comforting is that no one is judging your content as harshly as you are.

👉 And the sooner you start making content, the sooner your content will start evolving into great content. 

No one kills it on the first draft. 

It’s a process, a journey, or whatever other cliché thing I can say here.

My point is: START NOW, so you can start getting better.

Ok, that’s all the tough love I have for you today.

Go get started! ⚡


PS… Paulette and I are talking about creativity and how you might actually be more creative than you realize this week on the podcast, check it out below. 👇

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You are more creative than you think! Join us when Paulette Erato, pictured here smiling against a purple background, is on Eff That podcast to tell us how to unleash our creative side.
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