Three Tips for Taking Imperfect Action

Allison Nelson of Make Biz Happen sits on a couch in a hot pink top and smiles.

What’s worse than taking action in your business and failing? Not taking action at all.

Here’s the thing, you can’t learn by hypothesizing about things. You have to actually do the experiment. You have to do the dang thing if you want to learn.

That can suck and feel really vulnerable, especially in an age where everything is posted on the internet for the world to see.

But here’s the thing…if you want to grow as a person, you gotta try new things. And news flash…you might suck at them at first. But the good news is, you’ll get better with time.

Today I’m chatting with Allison, a business strategist who helps busy and ambitious mamas get from side hustle to consistent income with organic marketing strategies. 

We’re chatting all about how to take imperfect action in your business and life. Let’s fail forward y’all…

rainbow colored confetti falling on a blue background for the imperfect party podcast


Allison loves working with moms because they are always putting things off. They wait for the perfect time to get things done. Wait until their kid is sleeping better, or starts Kindergarten, or whatever it may be. Her business website is “make biz happen” and I just love that idea. Just make it happen. Cue the Mariah Carey music

They’re waiting for the perfect time that will never come. Because life will always be happening and there is no perfect time to take action. Oh wait, yes there is…right now. Duh.


We all know that action brings clarity. It’s impossible to learn by not taking action. You have to start the process to learn what needs to be tweaked along the way.

Allison talks about collecting data along the way too. Which is interesting to me. Y’all know I’m not a real data lover. But she’s absolutely right. You can keep track of what works and what doesn’t. Then you do more of what does work.

That’s the kind of knowledge you can only gain by doing the dang thing. You don’t have to be perfect, just get started. If you’re just in your head and staying safe in draft mode, no one is ever going to see you and you’ll never grow the business you want!

green rotary phone on a royal purple background. Allison Nelson recommends just talking to your ideal clients!


What’s the easiest way to just get started building the business of your dreams? Allison thinks it’s all about talking to people.  It’s the best way to just start. 

Allison recommends talking to anybody that you might even think is slightly interested in what you do. Try everybody on for size. See how it feels to talk to them and see how the conversation goes. Have these conversations with no attachment to the outcome.

Build relationships by just being you and having the courage to be yourself. In the process you learn what they need, how you can serve them, and you develop a better foundation to start building your business on.

I can’t tell you how many times I thought I was going to offer something and then after talking to my people it completely changes. There’s no reason for you to just sit back and guess what people need or want. They’re right in the palm of your hand, literally, on social media. Get out there and talk to them!

light pink key on dark pink background because consistency in marketing is key


Listen, I get it. Sometimes keeping up with all the things can start to feel overwhelming! Here’s what I recommend, and to be honest, I need to remind myself of often: do what you love and leave the rest.

Not a fan of Facebook? Use what ya love. There’s no way you can be in all the places all the time. In content, you have to pick what works best for you and leave the rest. Allison has a Facebook Group that she loves. She shows up for them regularly and in valuable ways. She says that almost all of her income comes from that group. 

She’s good at her Facebook group because she’s not trying to do everything else. She’s focused on the thing that’s working for her and she’s killin’ it. So you just have to decide what you’re gonna do! 

As an ADHD business owner and someone who admits to being multi-passionate this is a little hard for me sometimes, but I always find that if I go back to what I love and enjoy, the consistency happens naturally.

If you’re engaging in platforms you love, taking action in your business becomes less of a chore and will be so much easier. When it’s easier and more fun, you’ll stay consistent.


Allison added Elton John’s “I’m Still Standing” to The Imperfect Party Playlist. Check out the entire playlist on Spotify or Amazon Music.

We also chat about a hilarious typo Allison made when first starting her Facebook Group. She had to wait like 28 days to change it. It’s good y’all. I’m giggling just thinking about what her face must have looked like when she hit enter. You can learn more about all the things Allison’s up to on her website. Hang out with her in her Facebook Group. Or follow along with her on Instagram @theallisonnelson.

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