Feel Comfy in Your Personal Brand

big fun content podcast, bright colors, rainbow colors, content creation, body of work, deanna seymour

What if your content was a beautiful body of work? A collection of videos, blog posts, or podcast episodes that were so good people felt like they just found a hidden box full of treasure?

🦄 Let’s pretend…

Put on your imagination caps for a moment and pretend that you’re an artist, who is making a gallery show, but it’s filled with all of your content.

It needs to be visually appealing, fun for people to look at, and probably a little thought provoking to keep people coming back, right? Every piece of the content can stand on its own, but together it’s like, wow… *chefs kiss*

That is a body of work. I want you to think of your content as a body of work. When someone lands on your blog or your podcast or whatever, they’re seeing all this amazing work that you’re doing and they see this sort of thread that goes through it like you’re making the most curated, amazing little gallery show of your content.

It’s going to be really valuable to the people who stumble upon it, and it’s gonna give you the credibility and the authority that you’ve been working towards, but while doing way less.

I think I have come up with something pretty nifty, perhaps my own fancy signature framework to help get you there. It’s my take on how you can change up your approach to content marketing as a service provider. If you’ve got clients, and you’ve got a business working with clients, then this is right up your alley.

In this episode, I talk about:

  • My new fancy signature framework
  • Finish this sentence
    “You know what would be really cool if I _____________________.”
  • How your content can be your body of work

Join the fun

Are you ready to start showing up consistently online in a way that feels 100% YOU? In this supportive community of like-minded business buds, you’ll get more done, and have more fun than you ever thought possible.

I have a community opening up next month, called Content Playhouse, and you’re invited! The doors are opening on October 1st – 5th, I’d love it if you sign up!

What you’ll get:

  • Two meetings a month – one for coworking, and one for community support
  • Voxer access to me Monday through Thursday
  • A slack community
  • Weekly design reviews
  • And over a dozen past workshops that you’ll get access to immediately

Hit me up on Instagram and let me know if there’s any part of this that you’re still not 100% on board with. Maybe we can talk it out!

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