You Are More Than Your Niche

This week’s podcast episode with my client Julie Brown made me want to re-do my entire website. 😳

Even though I talk about being a rebel and doing things your own way, I realized I was still holding back on my website because I felt like I had to “narrow down my niche.”

But guess what?

If you're thinking about nicheing down, remember you are more than that. This cute graphic says "you are more than your niche" in magazine-cut-out-style with cupcakes all around it on a black and white polka dot background.

I feel like we’ve all been taught that our websites will be too confusing if we talk about more than one thing. But how am I supposed to live in a box that small?

I realized my website was mostly just talking about graphics so I looked neat and tidy (and not like I was “TOO MUCH”.)

But after talking with my client Julie Brown on the podcast this week, I realized I do SO. MUCH. MORE than people don’t even know about. And that seems silly.

“If you don’t niche down, people will be confused about what you offer,” they say. But I think you (and anyone else who finds me online) is smarter than that.

So in classic DD fashion, I’m breaking the rules even more on my website.

Eff a niche. If it has to do with your online presence, content creation, or marketing, I’m your gal.

👀 Wanna know what I do for Julie in a month?

We meet 1:1 to talk about what’s going on in her life, stories that have happened in her life, and any important speaking engagements she has coming up to promote. She shared one of our meetings on her podcast this week so you can listen in if ya want.

After the meeting, I get to work. 💪

✅ I write and schedule all her weekly emails. 

She’s got 779 people on her list and her average open rate is 68.45% and her click rate is 6.62%. 🤯 They love her emails so much, we wrote one about Elvis’s bathroom habits and related it to being consistent with your networking efforts and NO ONE unsubscribed. Wild, huh?

✅ I script out her reels so she can quickly and easily record them in one take (mistakes and all.) Then I edit them and add a hook and call-to-action. I write her captions too.

People had a lot to say about this one about different hug types. 

✅ I also create her podcast audiograms and her Instagram grid posts. (and write the captions for them too)

One time I wanted to write an email with a link to join a waitlist and we didn’t want to wait for her website person, so I whipped up this little page on my website so that it would be on brand if people clicked it in her email.

I’m scrappy like that. 🤷‍♀️

Other stuff always pops up and I can tackle it for her. I designed her business cards, her speaker one sheet, fun GIFs for her emails, and so many more things.

Like I said… if it’s a visual representation of your brand, I’m your gal. 

And when I say “I’m your right hand ma’am” it means I treat your business like it’s my business. I care as much about your business as I do my own. 

And now my website FINALLY talks about all the amazing things I can do for you. 

Oh, and now it has this GIF I made inspired by one of my favorite 90’s movies?
Can you name that movie? 😬

One of my goals in 2023 is to talk about ALL the amazing things I’m doing, and not keep them a secret for the sake of niching down. 🙄 Maybe you can help hold me accountable!

Ok, hopefully this has inspired you to open up more about the secret things you’re doing behind the scenes so you can appear to be niched on the surface.

Eff that! 🖕 

Let’s just tell the people what we do!!! I think they can handle it, right?!?


PS… The Online Business Shame Shit Show is coming up on the 7th and you can come too! It’s a LIVE Zoom meeting (cameras off and fake names) where we can share our stories of course-buying regrets. Don’t worry, I’ll be bleeping the names of any courses + their creators because it’s more about the cathartic release of the shame people feel around their past mistakes. If you wanna join us, you have to buy or Steal This Course! I hope to see you there! xo

Podcast Feature:

Oh, and I’ve decided to release new episodes of the podcast every other week because I’m a one woman show over here and weekly had me on the fast track to burn out. So check this one out and I’ll see ya with a new episode on the 13th! xo

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