Going Gray and Accepting Yourself Just as You Are

Nina of Naturally Graysful on the cover of the Imperfect Party Podcast in a blue top and gray hair with red lips. The topic is "Accepting yourself just as you are." Episode #33.

In this episode we cover:

More about Nina:

Nina is a Gray Hair Consultant that happens to be a chronic warrior and special needs mama. She helps women transition to gray with love and compassion. Her love language is words of affirmation. As women, we can be our own worst enemy and she wants to help women have loving self-talk when going through life’s changes and challenges.

Self-compassion is the life hack that helps her cope because it does not require perfection, just gentleness so she can keep going. 

You can check out her website, follow along on Instagram, and check out her podcast Graysful Conversations with Nina for a lil’ more Nina in your life.

A quote that reads "Out of all the things that I've been through [motherhood has] been an on the job training of what self love looks like." from Nina of Naturally Graysful with an image of Nina in the bottom left corner and a scribble with a heart on the right side.

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