Online Business Ain’t Easy…

Ok, so I always talk about how running a business is hard AF, but since I’m also usually talking about my kid sticking a bead up his nose, or recipes I’ve made, or Cocaine Bear… it might seem like I don’t struggle.

But I think it’s hard for everyone. Right?

multicolor, babies crying, cute babies, business is hard

I mean, look at all of us up there crying about it. 😅😂😭 Just kidding. Sort of. 😳

Anyhoo… I’ve been working a lot this summer to get my offers clear and concise and just give my brain a rest from always trying to tweak things and change them.

Decision fatigue is totally a thing.

I’ve landed on a really sweet (suite 🍭) of offers that I feel suuuuper excited about.

They’re “packaged enough” to make the back end of my business easier. But custom enough that I can literally make whatever my clients need me to design from GIFs to keynotes to lead magnets. (All of which I’m working on in the upcoming weeks! 🎉)

I really do love doing lots of things, so niched down packages ain’t my thing. But… I’m also cravin’ way more simplicity in my life and I think it’ll make my business way more sustainable.

Perhaps it’s my neurodivergent brain, but I’ve always been one to tweak and re-tweak things.

🎨 When I was a teacher, that was trying to make my lesson plans better each time.

🍓 As a parent it’s researching (aka watching reels) and trying new things for meals or behavior or bedtime.

🤓 And as a business owner, it’s constantly assessing what’s working and what’s not and trying to make it better.

I’m ALWAYS thinking, rethinking, and maybe sometimes OVERthinking things.

angela chase, my so-called-life, 90's tv, 90's style, flannels

They’re not stupid Angela, it’s part of the process. 🙄

But the reason my coach is making me tell you is because I started feeling like I didn’t want to tell you about the things I’m offering because they’re always changing.

I felt like a weirdo always changing and re-changing things and it was making me start to shy away from talking about them.

Do you ever feel like that?

A new episode of my podcast came out this week with Annie P. Ruggles talking about rebranding as an evolution, not a death.

And it made me realize: the tweaks are part of the process. 💥

So here’s my fully tweaked new and improved offers… are you ready for ’em?!?

⭐ Branding – helping folks get clear on the look and feel of their business is the BEST!

⭐ Instagram Static 9 Grid – still one of my favorite things EVER to make for people.

⭐ Content Bank – this is a new tweak, but something I’ve been doing forever. It’s where we meet 1:1 and create a content plan for you and then I create a batch of 20 graphics, short form videos, carousels, memes, or whatever kind of social media post you want to focus on, and then you have them to pull from.

⭐ VIP – Style Design Days are BACK – 8 hours of me cranking out whatever designs you need. Things like presentations, lead magnets, website graphics, GIFs, podcast artwork, social media headers… whatever you need! You get me for 8 hours spread out over the course of one week to knock out all your design needs. Fun, right?

And the cool part… all of these are $2500 with payment plans available. 🤯 So it’s super simple.

I think I tweaked enough and got it right. Like I was saying… kinda like a package, but so much room for customization. I LOVE IT. 🥰

And if that’s out of your budget right now, I’m doing a fun open house on September 11th for the Content Playhouse that you could check out.

It’s an all day coworking event to plan your content for all of Q4. It includes a new audio course I just put together and it’s all free. You can check that out here. 🥳 (when you get there, just scroll some and you’ll see my cool pop up I did on my website!) 😬

Let me know if you have any questions about working with me… I’m an open book!

I don’t know about you, but I’m ready to move into fall, carve some pumpkins, and get back to business, so if you’d like help planning out your content goals for Q4, book a consult and let’s do it!


PS… that episode about Rebranding as an Evolution is SO STINKING GOOD!

PPS… speaking of podcasts, I was on Business as Activism podcast talking with Elijah Selby about my mistakes when it came to buying digital courses and it’s a really fun episode.

PPPS… the Eff That Series is back! It’s free for the week of August 28th, but you can sign up to listen to all past and future seasons for just nine bucks. Grab your ticket! 

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