The heart wants what the heart wants…

Tomorrow’s the big day. We’ll load the kids up in the minivan and head down to Santa’s Wonderland at the local Bass Pro Shop to visit the big guy.

Gif of A Christmas Story where Santa kicks the son down the slide.

I kept saying I wanted to bring them early to really lock in their answers when it came to gifts. I DO NOT want any last minute changes.

But alas, we’re going on the 23rd. So they better freaking tell him they want, “A Barbie Dream House” and “A little pink car like Ruby’s.” Or I will literally lose my shit. 🤣

And yes, one kid wants a ginormous pink plastic mansion with a pool and an elevator retailing for just around $200.

And the other kid wants a tiny plastic car that his sister got from a random house when we were trick or treating back in October.

Graphic of a pink car over a background of wrapped gift boxes. Sales pages are like the Barbie dream house: are they selling something you don't need?

That’s the car. And it took some serious detective skills, but turns out it was from the party supply aisle at Target for $3.

Why am I telling you all of this? Because both kids are equally excited to tell anyone who will listen what they want for Christmas.

Jack has no idea that we could buy 396 of those cars for the price of a dream house. (There’s 6 in a pack, so…I crunched the numbers. Although they all wouldn’t be pink and that part seems pretty important to him too.) 🤷‍♀️

The heart wants what the heart wants.

Maybe some years you want a Barbie Dream House? Maybe some years you just want to sleep in on a Saturday without your kids waking you up and immediately demanding things from you.

You get to decide what you want in your business

Don’t let some sales page tell you what you want or need. You already know.

And if you don’t know, or you’re not sure. Just take some time to sit quietly and think about it. Or ask a friend or business bud about it.

Don’t go searching on a sales page, because most of them will tell you that you need the dream house.

But maybe you’d be just as excited with a pink party favor.

And if you still come up overwhelmed and confused about what you want in your business,  maybe I could help ya .

I have space on my roster in 2023 for a few more monthly clients if you’d like to have me as your right hand ma’am when it comes to marketing next year.

The sales page needs a good rework, but currently I help my clients with social media ideas, graphics & captions, reels ideas and editing, and writing cool emails like this one you just read all the way to the bottom. 😘

Just sayin.

xo dd

PS… I hope you have a restful and relaxing week, and I’ll see ya back here next Thursday talking about the most amazing documentary I’ve ever seen.

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