How to Build Your List with an Audio Series

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I’m sharing 5 game-changing reasons why hosting a private audio series could be the secret ingredient you need to grow your business.

If you’re ready to grow your business, become an innovator in your industry, network with other cool kids, and get in front of a wider audience, you gotta check out this episode.

I’m giving you a peek behind the curtain when it comes to my experience with creating and hosting my private audio series, and why this could be the valuable asset that you might be looking for in your business. My tips take networking techniques one step further so that you are making real connections with other bad-a$$ professionals in the biz and bringing communities together.

You get in front of their audience. They get in front of yours. Your audience walks away with some great information. It’s a win-win-win!

By presenting information in a new and exciting way, you can position yourself as a thought leader and attract more opportunities to show up on future podcasts and other speaking engagements. Whether you’re aiming to expand your network, grow your email list, or become recognized as an industry innovator, I give ya some easy ways to get started.

In this episode, I talk about:

  • Why hosting a private audio series can be beneficial for your business
  • Challenges of growing an email list
  • Charging for access to the podcast & creating urgency for free access
  • Differentiating yourself by presenting information in a new and exciting way
  • Selecting guests based on their unique approach or different perspective

How to brand and market your audio series:

If you think that an audio series or private podcast might be something you’re interested in, but you don’t know where to start with the branding and marketing components. I got you, boo!

Let me help you design something through multiple seasons with branding, promo graphics, and Canva templates that you can easily recreate every time you host a new series.

Just send me a DM over on Instagram and we can chat more about it, or learn more about it on my website! It’s a one-time investment that can keep on giving. Head over to Deanna intensive.

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