Welp. I’ve been working on a lil’ something behind the scenes, and I’m FINALLY ready to spill the beans. My regular podcast is getting a little makeover! Introducing…. It’s not usually my style to slow my roll and really think things through, but I’ve been thinking about this for a couple months and it’s been […]
There’s no secret agenda here, I’m a graphic designer, not a salesperson. I like making fun content and sharing it with people who get me and think it’s funny. (aka people like you) Then hopefully when you need some cool graphic design work, you think, “I should hit up dd!” That’s my big, secret, marketing plan. 😂
Trigger Warning: Breastfeeding, Formula, and Mom Struggles… I didn’t breastfeed my daughter. Well, I tried for about 4 weeks, and I hated every second of it. It kicked up some serious anxiety I have and was making me miserable. There was one time when she was screaming, I was crying, and I looked at Matt […]
Let’s get real for a second. A HUGE part of making great content is creativity. Coming up with ideas and then sharing them in a way that’s interesting to people is a tall order and can feel really hard. Especially if you don’t consider yourself “creative.” And everyone’s just walking around acting like “making content” […]
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